Tuesday, September 09, 2008

CFLC Chronicles: Training Workshops for Fall 2008

From Marta Westall, CFLC Director:

We have some exciting workshops to look forward to this fall! The new schedule will be posted very soon and here are some highlights:

Book Blitz 2 at Leesburg:

Really good cataloging doesn't come easily. It takes commitment to details to figure out how to handle some of the trickier cataloging problems that can arise. In Book Blitz I, we cover the easy rules. In this workshop, Book Blitz II, we move on to some of the more complex cataloging rules; the ones that make you frown!

Once you are comfortable with finding your way around the basic cataloging tools--the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2R), Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI), and the MARC coding standards (MARC21)--you will be ready to tackle some of the harder stuff, for example:
• Parallel titles
• Part titles
• Confusing statements of responsibility
• More on series
• More on personal, corporate, and conference names, and uniform title headings
• Verifying name and title headings against the LC Authority files

N.B., Although the examples in this workshop are all for books, the relevant rules can be applied to all types of materials. However, this workshop does not cover subject headings, classification, or specific details on cataloging non-print materials.

Attendees are advised that they will be expected to have attended Book Blitz I before coming to this workshop.
Safety, Security, and Preparedness for Libraries at Florida Institute of Technology:

This is a day-long workshop that covers the USA PATRIOT Act and other timely matters related to disaster preparedness planning from the security, facilities management, and library perspectives.

Goals are
1) to identify current trends and challenges related to library safety, security, and preparedness,
2) to hear the perspectives of library personnel, security officers, and facilities staff,
3) to learn related tips, recommendation, and guidelines,
4) to understand the basic components of a strong safety, security, and preparedness plan that protects equipment, materials, buildings, people, and data, and
5) to know where to go for additional information and support.
WorldCat Resource Sharing Basics at CFLC:

Are you ready to learn how you can obtain items for your patrons from almost 1.3 billion holdings all over the world? Come learn how to use OCLC’s ILL platform to borrow the items your patrons need.

Topics covered in this hands-on workshop include:
• An overview of the WorldCat Resource Sharing Staff View
• Searching OCLC’s bibliographic database
• The basics of OCLC ILL Lending and Borrowing.

The workshop is designed for CFLC members with little or no OCLC ILL experience.
Cataloging Interest Group at Barry University:

Discussion topics will include a review of the live, online class on the future of AACR2, RDA and FRBR (co-hosted by CFLC and SOLINET on August 12th) and quality control in technical services (bibs, authorities, and physical processing).

Monday, September 08, 2008

Reference Riches: Politics and Verification

'Tis the season to receive political e-mails -- good, bad, and ugly. Save yourself from having to retract mistakes by remembering to check out what you receive before passing it along.

Snopes, Urban Legends, and others of their ilk are always a good starting points, but there are times you will receive things before they do. Case in point was a list of books Palin supposedly wanted banned that landed in my e-mail over the weekend. Only as of today did it appear as False on Snopes, but at the time of receipt, nothing.

In researching it, another very interesting post (Librarian No. 9.7.2008 No. 154) turned up in the biblioblogosphere and it references both a Librarians for Palin and a Librarians Against Palin site. The whole case makes some very interesting reading.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Reference Riches: Successor to EDGAR Announced

For those of you who use the Securities and Exchange Commission's "1980s-era EDGAR database" to find key financial information about public companies and mutual funds, check out this official SEC press release, complete with demonstration video, announcing IDEA (Interactive Data Electronic Applications), EDGAR's eventual successor.