Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 09, 2009

Tuesday’s Tools: Twitter

It's not Tuesday, but it's a great time to talk about a particular conversation on Twitter. If you're still not using Twitter (or even if you are), now's a good time to check out what's going on in the #libtwit discussion ( Pretty interesting conversation about Twitter usage and libraries. Join the fun! (And by the way, follow us @CFLC_FL.)


libraryfuture: "Basics of making Twitter useful" RT @TrendTracker @Twitter_Tips #libtwit Tips & The Why and How of Twitter

garvinfo Twitter is - 24/7 global, self-organizing, real-time news and conversation #libtwit

spcouta: And Archivists! @libraryfuture Being fluent w/ Twitter is a core skill for all librarians #libtwit (Not all librarians would agree however!)

montserratlj Twitter=e-conferences, e-prof dvlpmnt all year round-webinars, seminars, lectures, wrkshps via desktop; addictive! #libtwit


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Training Tactics: NEFLIN Classes Open for CFLC Members

From Marta Westall, CFLC Executive Director:
During these lean times, the Florida Library Cooperatives are, well, cooperating to offer continuing education and training opportunities to library staff in various regions. Our sister Cooperative, NEFLIN, has stepped up to offer training programs to CFLC members. In a few days you will be receiving an e-mail outlining the opportunities for October through December 2009. Be sure to note that while some of the training is free, or reasonably priced, there is a process for cancellation and/or sending a replacement. If you are registered and don't show up you will be charged. It is gratifying to see that the spirit of cooperation is alive and well in Florida!