Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday's Tool: Urban Legends Reference Pages

To delete or not to delete; that is the question... Among the dozens, if not hundreds, of e-mails that arrive daily, how can patrons figure out what is delete-worthy and what should be passed along posthaste to everyone on their address lists?

Enter the Urban Legends Reference Pages, frequently referred to simply as Snopes. One of a number of "debunking" sites, this is one of the most fun in which to spend some time. Here are entertaining, insightful, and authoritative analyses of not only urban legends in the strictest sense, but also pleas, warnings, scares, heart-wrenching stories (i.e., glurge), offers, gossip, fallacies, etc.

In this season, it should be pointed out that there are a number of holiday legends, superstitions, and glurge. One of the most entertaining of the lot has to do with The Red and the Mondegreen, or misheard Christmas carol lyrics. Give it a read for a good laugh! Happy Holidays!


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